Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Charmed AU - Chris and Cole

Charmed AU - Chris and Cole - Fever
This video, pairs Chris and Cole romantically. The sisters discover it over time, first Paige, then Phoebe, Prue then Piper. Prue, Paige and Piper dislike Cole because he is a demon. Phoebe is the only one supportive of Chris and Cole. The other sisters come around after Chris is saved by Cole.

Charmed AU - Chris and Cole - Too Little, Too Late

This is the sequel to "Charmed AU - Chris and Cole - Fever". After Cole kills someone and is caught by Prue, Chris ends the relationship. The video centers around Cole's attempts o win Chris back.

Latter Days and Buffy - Christian and Andrew

As for plot, basically, Christian is with Aaron and Andrew is with Willow. 

Andrew and Christian fall for each other over time and leave Willow and 

Aaron for each other. Also Andrew isn't evil. Tara works with Christian and 

then falls for Willow after the break-up and they get together as well.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Expectant Eyes: Chris and Wyatt (One-shot)

Chapter One

Created By: Ben Moore

            Chris strides into The Halliwell Manor and telekinetically shuts the doors reminiscent of how Prue had on so many occasions; he’s wearing tight-fitting jeans and a long-sleeve black shirt and has small smile on his face, one of the few he’s had since he watched his Mom and Aunt Phoebe getting killed in front of him, barely being saved himself by Leo, one of the few times his father was actually there for him.

Wyatt is sitting in the kitchen thumbing through the Book of Shadows; he has on jeans and a dark blue long-sleeve shirt, which contrasts his short golden hair. Wyatts’ eyes are locked on the book as he intently flips the pages, searching for something that only the book has to offer. Wyatt is sitting in the same spot Prue would always sit with her leaded cup of coffee and the morning paper as assuredly as the sun would rise.

            Chris saunters through the kitchen door and to the table and sits in the chair opposite Wyatt. Chris’ emerald green eyes settle on the book and he notices the page Wyatt has finally settled upon and has begun reading, Phoenix.

Chris notices the serious expression on his brothers’ face. “What’s going on?” queries Chris as his grin diminishes and his expression becomes serious as he waits for Wyatt to respond. Though it was only a matter of seconds before Wyatt looked up into his baby brothers’ expectant eyes, Chris sensed as if an eternity had passed before him.


Chris and Wyatt are now sitting alongside each other on the couch, where the sisters had so many years ago. “So they’re Assassin Witches?”

“Yeah, which means someone definitely wants the witch out of the way at all costs.”

Chris rises from the couch and heads briskly towards the stairs. Wyatt, following the same routine he and Chris have become accustomed to, follows Chris up the stairs towards the attic.

 * This is my first attempt, so feedback, either positive or negative would be great.